Monday, September 10, 2012
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Isaac Is Gone
Power has been restored and Isaac is gone! I was going to say the rain is gone, but today and last night it rained some more, and the forecast is for more rain. I was without power from Tuesday evening when it went out for the second time until sometime Friday night. Except for the actual day of the Hurricane, Wednesday I wasn't really at home anyway, I was at work Thursday (without power) and Friday (we had power when I went in that morning). When I got home from work Friday around eight o'clock I had power at home.
I realized that I need a radio that works off of batteries to keep in contact with what's going on as far as the storm goes. I used to have a small 10 inch television that I used, but when they switched to HD the TV no longer works. Wednesday as I sat home with no power and the wind and rain just continually bearing down outside I wondered what was going on. This storm seemed to be lasting an awful long time, which it was basically just sitting over us for most of the day. But without power I had no idea. I just knew that the wind and rain never seemed to let up. It was sometime in the middle of the day that I heard part of the siding on my home tear away. During a brief lull I ventured outside to see a corner of my roof peeled up and shingles all over the yard. Somehow I managed to make a phone call during the storm and placed a claim with my insurance as the storm continued.
The insurance adjuster came out yesterday and said I need a new roof, plus some other damage. I was very relived that he was very nice and basically didn't try to talk his way out of anything. He saw the damage and said it needed fixing and wrote it all up that way. I know after Katrina a lot of people had major fights with their insurance agents over when they would or would not cover.
I will say that I think the Hurricane deductible that insurance companies added to everyone's insurance after Katrina sucks. My Hurricane deductible is 5% of the insurance on my dwelling. I don't understand how insurance companies can get away with things like this. For some people this type of deductible is pricing them out of being able to afford to fix their house. You'd be better off putting the money you pay for insurance in a bank account and only touch it if something happens. You'd probably have more money to do the repairs that way. But if you have a mortgage you can't because the bank is going to make you have insurance. It's a terrible circle.
Thursday after the storm we opened with no power and a generator powering one register. We had about ten associates show up for work. When a customer showed up the associate would walk them to what they needed and then bring them up to the register. We were only open for hurricane supplies, if someone needed propane, flashlights, etc. Even though I had some people that were bored and just wanted to come in to shop. I didn't let them. If you needed something for the storm you could come in.
A mini rant here: If the power is out and the red lights are NOT working that means it is a four way stop. Not to just drive through the red light as if it wasn't there now. One road I swear a dozen cars just kept driving through the non working red light while we sat on the side street wanting to turn.
Well I think that's enough about Isaac. It's over and gone, now it's time to move on.
I realized that I need a radio that works off of batteries to keep in contact with what's going on as far as the storm goes. I used to have a small 10 inch television that I used, but when they switched to HD the TV no longer works. Wednesday as I sat home with no power and the wind and rain just continually bearing down outside I wondered what was going on. This storm seemed to be lasting an awful long time, which it was basically just sitting over us for most of the day. But without power I had no idea. I just knew that the wind and rain never seemed to let up. It was sometime in the middle of the day that I heard part of the siding on my home tear away. During a brief lull I ventured outside to see a corner of my roof peeled up and shingles all over the yard. Somehow I managed to make a phone call during the storm and placed a claim with my insurance as the storm continued.
The insurance adjuster came out yesterday and said I need a new roof, plus some other damage. I was very relived that he was very nice and basically didn't try to talk his way out of anything. He saw the damage and said it needed fixing and wrote it all up that way. I know after Katrina a lot of people had major fights with their insurance agents over when they would or would not cover.
I will say that I think the Hurricane deductible that insurance companies added to everyone's insurance after Katrina sucks. My Hurricane deductible is 5% of the insurance on my dwelling. I don't understand how insurance companies can get away with things like this. For some people this type of deductible is pricing them out of being able to afford to fix their house. You'd be better off putting the money you pay for insurance in a bank account and only touch it if something happens. You'd probably have more money to do the repairs that way. But if you have a mortgage you can't because the bank is going to make you have insurance. It's a terrible circle.
Thursday after the storm we opened with no power and a generator powering one register. We had about ten associates show up for work. When a customer showed up the associate would walk them to what they needed and then bring them up to the register. We were only open for hurricane supplies, if someone needed propane, flashlights, etc. Even though I had some people that were bored and just wanted to come in to shop. I didn't let them. If you needed something for the storm you could come in.
A mini rant here: If the power is out and the red lights are NOT working that means it is a four way stop. Not to just drive through the red light as if it wasn't there now. One road I swear a dozen cars just kept driving through the non working red light while we sat on the side street wanting to turn.
Well I think that's enough about Isaac. It's over and gone, now it's time to move on.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Lost Power
Around five this afternoon we lost power. The wind was blowing but it didn't really look that bad outside. Luckily it was still light enough outside that I was able to open the door and leave the screen door closed and drag a chair by the open door and read. There's not a lot you can do in the dark by yourself so I was glad I could continue to read. I broke out the camp stove that I bought back from Katrina and warmed up some Hamburger Helper and ate before it got too dark. Finally it was dark enough I had to start using one of the Lanterns and suddenly the lights came back on.
I'm sure we'll lose power again. The wind has really gained in strength over the last few hours. Now I have power I can check the TV and see where the storm is and see what's going on. I had turned off both my cell phones, hoping to conserve power. I also had forgotten to charge my laptop so when I went to see if it still had power it wouldn't even turn on. I'm not really surprised, it's been a long time since I've used the laptop. I was hoping to use it to watch a movie or tv show from dvd. I've got it charging now, so hopefully it'll have enough of a charge if I lose power again.
I'm sure we'll lose power again. The wind has really gained in strength over the last few hours. Now I have power I can check the TV and see where the storm is and see what's going on. I had turned off both my cell phones, hoping to conserve power. I also had forgotten to charge my laptop so when I went to see if it still had power it wouldn't even turn on. I'm not really surprised, it's been a long time since I've used the laptop. I was hoping to use it to watch a movie or tv show from dvd. I've got it charging now, so hopefully it'll have enough of a charge if I lose power again.
More on Isaac
It just started raining at around 3 in the afternoon. We've had some high winds and clouds and one point a tornado warning but nothing serious yet. Was at work until noon. We went in because we were getting more hurricane supplies and wanted to give any people that still needed some a chance at whatever they needed. So tell me why we started getting people shopping for golf clubs or arrows the later the day went. We opened at around six because people were stopping by and I felt great being able to help anyone that needed something for the hurricane. But're going to come shopping for a golf club or a new pair of shoes. I haven't have time to pick anything up in my yard yet at the point because I've basically spent the last three days at work getting ready for this storm and now I'm not even getting a chance to get my home ready for the hurricane because someone wants a new pair of sandals! Aggravating. When we finally get out of the store you can guess the outcome...the winds are the strongest they've been all day and its raining. So I get to work outside in my yard in the wind and rain. But I get it done and the last couple hours have been reading and relaxing.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Seven years ago almost to the day I was getting ready to go to work to finish getting the place ready for the coming storm and barricading it up. Tomorrow morning I'm heading into work to do the same thing. There are a few differences. Hopefully this storm is nowhere near the strength of that one. At the moment they're even talk that it might not make hurricane status before landfall. And the previous one I ended up heading towards Tennessee with my Mom and Dad who hadn't moved up there yet to escape the storm, this one I intend to sit out at home. Until I lose power I'll try to keep everyone updated to what's going on with Isaac as it happens.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Lost More Weight
Down to 170 pounds this morning. My weight goes up and down during the day. I'm sure when I weight myself again I'll be a few pounds heavier. But it's still going down. I think I need to lose another ten pounds or so. Now I just have to get a regular schedule for the gym.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Just spent the last five days at my Moms. It's nice when you can sit on the porch and look out see something like this picture. This picture actually wasn't taken from my Mom's porch, but three different times I saw two deer hop across her front yard. Looking out her kitchen window to her back yard I was able to observe the ground hog family that lives back there. And from her back yard all you see is trees and hills, no house or person in sight. Very relaxing.
And just what I've been needing.
And just what I've been needing.
Friday, July 06, 2012
I Can See!
These posts are kind of all over the place, not in any order of what happens. Today I got hopefully my last pair of glasses until I go for my yearly check up next year. And guess what? I can see! The worst part of this whole diabetes thing has been how much it's been screwing with my vision. First it was distance, than it was close up and to read the computer screen I'd have to take my glasses off and lean in closer. Than I get a new prescription and the glasses are almost ready for pickup and my eyes go back to how they were before this all started. My first pair of glasses worked. I get the other pair, they don't work for distance. The original pair doesn't work for up close, like reading. ARRRGGGHH! Over two months of this. I can't even begin to explain how frustrating this was. Everyday not being able to see correctly. Finally after going back with the second pair and having them re check my eyes and make a new prescription....and I go in today and get them. And they work. I can see distance. I can read with them. And the best part is I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow so I'll actually be able to see.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
When I Learned
It was around the end of March/beginning of April that I discovered I had diabetes. I'd been going to the doctor for problems with my foot and recently had a second surgery on my foot. Well for surgery they do blood work and my sugar levels were higher than they liked, but didn't seem in the danger zone yet. Not long after this I was at work and I can remember looking up and suddenly the other side of the store appeared blurry and signs on that side that I had been able to read just moments before were no out of the scope of my vision. And that week I was drinking water like a camel and going to the bathroom it seemed like very ten minutes.
I don't need a house to drop on me. I knew what these symptoms meant. I went to the eye doctor, even though I had just gotten a new pair of glasses at the start of the year. He checked my eyes and recommended new lenses and also that I should go the doctor, which I had already made an appointment for when I made the eye appointment.
More blood work and I was told I was borderline. He wrote me a prescription for medicine and gave me some pamphlets about diabetes. A couple weeks later I was back for a follow up and I was no longer borderline. I had diabetes. One of the tests they do is called A1C and its supposed to be under 6. My reading was 11.3.
I don't need a house to drop on me. I knew what these symptoms meant. I went to the eye doctor, even though I had just gotten a new pair of glasses at the start of the year. He checked my eyes and recommended new lenses and also that I should go the doctor, which I had already made an appointment for when I made the eye appointment.
More blood work and I was told I was borderline. He wrote me a prescription for medicine and gave me some pamphlets about diabetes. A couple weeks later I was back for a follow up and I was no longer borderline. I had diabetes. One of the tests they do is called A1C and its supposed to be under 6. My reading was 11.3.
In 2010, the ADA issued new guidelines regarding the A1C test. First, it can now be used as a test to diagnose diabetes. If you have a 6.5 percent level or above, you are considered to have diabetes. If you have a result between 6.0 percent and 6.5 percent, you are considered high risk.So yeah, that was little high.
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