[dahy-uh-bee-tis, -teez] Show IPA
noun Pathology .
any of several disorders characterized by increased urineproduction.
Also called diabe·tes mel·li·tus [mel-i-tuhs,muh-lahy-] Show IPA. a disorder of carbohydratemetabolism, usually occurring in genetically predisposedindividuals, characterized by inadequate production orutilization of insulin and resulting in excessive amounts ofglucose in the blood and urine, excessive thirst, weight loss,and in some cases progressive destruction of small bloodvessels leading to such complications as infections andgangrene of the limbs or blindness.
Also called Type I diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes,juvenile diabetes. a severe form of diabetes mellitus inwhich insulin production by the beta cells of the pancreas isimpaired, usually resulting in dependence on externallyadministered insulin, the onset of the disease typicallyoccurring before the age of 25.
Also called Type II diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, adult-onset diabetes, maturity-onset diabetes. a mild, sometimes asymptomatic form of diabetesmellitus characterized by diminished tissue sensitivity toinsulin and sometimes by impaired beta cell function,exacerbated by obesity and often treatable by diet andexercise.
Also called diabe·tes in·sip·i·dus [in-sip-i-duhs] Show IPA. increased urine production caused by inadequatesecretion of vasopressin by the pituary gland.